May 16, 2012

Trials Evolution

By: B-Rad G From Malibu


You close your eyes and suddenly your falling... The breeze in your face, the wind in your hair, the sheer feeling of total amazement. Then, you open your eyes and realize that your patio door is open and your sitting on your couch playing Trails Evolution. Yeah, it's that good!

This is an XBLA title that is a sequel to a great game, Trials HD. Like it's predecessor, this is a puzzle typed driving game. It has tens of dozens of levels ramping up from beginner to extreme. This game will set you back 1200 Microsoft points. ($15) But you won't find a better or more challenging game that you'll want to spend your points on.

Trails Evo has 1-up'd the graphics. Setting the whole game outside, instead of in a huge warehouse. Giving great scene's ranging from desolate oil fields to a live bomb range complete with an exploding bunker killing your hero after beating it. They have taken this game to a whole new level as far as just the enjoyment that you'll get out of it.

There are very few minor tweaks to the physic's engine, so anyone that has played to first game is going to pick up and go with this game very easily. But even if your new to Trials then it is a very simple control setup. You have gas and brake, and you lean forward or backward to control whether or not you land on your head or wheels.

This game also features a multi-player option that I thought was going to be butched. But I was very happy with it on the release. It's as fun as I hoped it would be. You race side-by-side, 4-deep, on all the tracks that you've raced on and beat in single player. It's a very entertaining way to get a few friends online and really show them how to beat them with a double backflip to endo finish.

Evo also features a slew of mini-games. They have brought back the classics like riding on a death ball. But have also spiced it up a bit by adding brand new mini-games like best ramp or furthest kamikaze launch. Definitely a very addicting time waster. Overall, I was very satisfied with this game, with the addition of online and a broader outlook on single player. I loved it.

I'm giving this game a 8.5 out of 10.

 Game with me! XBL: WelcomParadise

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