April 26, 2012

Trials HD

By B-Rad G.
Remember when you were a kid and you had all your Hot Wheel cars? You would take your books and make little ramps out of them. Take empty soda cans and see how many you could jump over. Always leaving one at the end that you knew you couldn't make just to see the demolition and mayhem. Trails HD brings that child hood fun to your Xbox 360.

Trials HD is an XBLA title that is not only driving but a puzzle-styled game. And puzzling it is! It comes with close to 50 levels ranging from beginner to extreme. There is also DLC that is out for it now, adding to the massive amount of levels already in the game. Also, it has an array of terribly fun and addicting mini games. They range from height and long jump to staying inside or on top of a rolling metal sphere of death. Greatly entertaining for a few hours or drunken nights with friends.

For 800 points, this is a very well put together and just outright, a good, fun game. With hours of play-time (and DLC) this is a very good time waster or drunken challenge game.

This game does have it's downfalls though. With every level taking place in a huge warehouse, there is very little scenery. The create-a-track mode is very limited and difficult to make anything worth actually playing on. Trails is only a single player which does not make it a good choice for having friends over or a sibling. The only way to compare yourself to friends is a dot at the top of your screen showing how far ahead or behind them you are. There is a leaderboard for all tracks and mini games that shows times and scores. So you can also use that to rank yourself within your friends list.

Overall, I enjoyed this game. I still play it anytime I'm thinking I'm more awesome than last time and can finally make that seemingly impossible jump. It is defiantly worth the 800 points you'll invest into it.

I'm giving it a 7.5 out of 10

Atleast try the demo!

~B-Rad G From Malibu~

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